About Ghazale Adampour

خانه » About Ghazale Adampour

About Ghazale Adampour

Ghazale Adampour received her BA in Educational Sciences (Pedagogy) from Allameh Tabatabei University in Tehran-Iran. She received her MA in Vedic Studies from Tesla University and was awarded the title of Children’s Yoga Grandmaster by the world’s oldest yoga Alliance institute in India.

She has set up Viveka Yoga Academy under the supervision of Yoga Alliance and has been organizing courses and workshops for teachers to enhance their knowledge, with an official
certificate from Yoga Alliance and in association with many credible international universities. Her involvement with children’s education began in 2009

A graduate of Bihar Yoga Bharati, she has also completed yoga instructor courses at Satyananda Ashram (Rikhiapeeth), Swami Vivekananda Yoga University in India and Rainbow Yoga Teacher Training Institute in Australia. She has also studied at Tehran Public Sports Federation. Since 2019, she has been organizing courses and workshops for children’s yoga instructors, as
well as book clubs for parents and teachers. You can access reports of some of her activities by referring to the work records and educational videos on the website, as well as the Aparat and
YouTube channels.
Some of her activities in the field of children’s education include teaching in schools, kindergartens and institutions such as Nikrah )Iran-Bihar) Institute, Badr Institute, Children’s
Research Institute (Koodakan e Donya institute), Nature Schools, Sarzamin-e-Ghese-hayekoodaki Institute, Avand Institute, Viveka Yoga Academy etc. . The pictures of some of the classes can be seen in its dedicated section on the website.

Her activities include teaching astronomy, swimming and yoga to children. Since 2013, she has produced educational content for the children’s section of Aseman Nama magazine, and since
2019, she has produced content for teaching yoga to children for Nabat magazine and Danesh Yoga Monthly magazine.
The design and production of the educational multimedia “Meet the Family of Sun and her
children”, designed to introduce children to the solar system, was one of Ms Adampour’s experiences in designing educational products for children.

The translation of the book “Yoga for Children” is her first attempt to translate the works of the University of Bihar. A collection of articles on yoga for children is also being compiled with the efforts of a group of children’s yoga activists under the supervision of the World Children’s Research Institute.